Environmental Factors Affecting Emergency Generator Room Design
An important factor to consider when contemplating emergency generator room design is the environment. Environmental factors can have a big impact on generator room design. For instance, in environments prone to flooding, a generator room should be elevated rather than in a basement location.
Thinking about environmental factors along with generator room requirements will make designing and designating a space for emergency generators simple. To meet safety requirements and maximize efficiency of your emergency generator, plan ahead and consider multiple factors when designing.
Emergency Generator Room Design: Factors to Consider
Multiple environmental factors come into play when designing a generator room. These include the environment in which the facility housing the generator is located in, as well as the inner environment of the generator room itself. For example, consider the following when thinking about your generator room’s design:
- Disasters: Both natural and human-influenced disasters should be considered when designing a generator room. For example, basements that may be prone to flooding during a heavy rain or that are located near rivers that may overflow are not safe places to keep generators. In areas such as these, make sure the generator room is elevated.
- Ventilation: Requirements maintain that air must be allowed into a generator room to allow for cooling. Depending on the size and number of units in a generator room, air-intake may also bring in outside precipitation. Further steps can be taken to ensure that ventilation is set up to prevent outside moisture and dirt from entering a generator room.
- Exhaust: The exhaust from generators needs to be compliant with current standards. Placement of exhaust vents also needs to be carefully considered, as distance must be maintained between exhaust output and HVAC air intake areas for the building housing the generator.
Another way to think about the environment when designing an emergency generator room is to do everything possible to reduce your carbon footprint and be as environmentally friendly as possible. Room design plays a role in this, as does purchasing generators that meet Tier 4 standards. Woodstock Power Company offers reliable and efficient used generators at affordable rates. We also offer tune-up services to refurbish generators and ensure they meet EPA standards.
Woodstock – Emergency Generator Room Design Pros
Woodstock Power Company is a trusted source for used generators and unbeatable customer service. Our professional, knowledgeable staff can help walk you through generator room basics and help you when buying or selling used generators. Selecting a unit from our inventory ensures reliable power at a price you can afford.
Contact Information:
Phone: 610-658-3242
Email: sales@woodstockpower.com