Cost of Downtime in Industrial Facilities Stresses Importance of Electrical Maintenance

For industrial facilities, the cost of downtime can be very damaging. The financial losses caused by even momentary power loss can be devastating. For example, a power outage lasting as little as 10 seconds can have a drastic effect on a facility’s financial gains and productivity. During periods of downtime, lost labor costs, maintenance or replacement of failing or damaged equipment, spoiled products, and health and safety liabilities are all factors that can contribute to financial loss for industrial facilities. Intangible losses, such as a damaged reputation or lost potential business opportunities, are also negative outcomes of downtime.

In order to prevent potentially costly downtime, industrial facilities must be sure to keep up with electrical maintenance. Keeping emergency generators on hand is a vital step in preventing downtime; however, even backup generators can face failure if not properly maintained. Plans of action in case of emergency generator failure will also help to reduce downtime and get everything back up and running as soon as possible during blackouts.

How to Avoid the Cost of Downtime

There are certain steps every facility should take to help avoid the cost of downtime and reduce workplace hazards. These include:

  • Routine Maintenance: Regular maintenance and testing of emergency generators is a necessity in keeping operations running efficiently. The importance of electrical maintenance for avoiding downtime and ensuring the safety of everyone in a facility that houses emergency generators cannot be stressed enough.
  • Update Generators as Needed: Hire professionals to complete upgrades to units as needed. Not only will this ensure generators are running at maximum efficiency, but also will help to meet compliance for Tier 4 standards and more.
  • Replace Outdated Units: When a generator ages and is no longer able to be tuned up to meet EPA standards, it may be time to completely replace the unit. Buying used is a great option to avoid the hefty price tag some new units come with.
  • Only Choose Trustworthy Sources: All equipment for your facility should be sourced from reputable, trustworthy businesses. Research companies before completing purchases, and avoid auction fraud from unreliable sources like eBay.

Taking care and precautions when purchasing, upgrading, and performing routine maintenance on electrical components of industrial facilities is key to minimizing unforeseen downtime.

If you have any questions regarding the cost of downtime and/or electrical maintenance, feel free to contact Woodstock Power Company’s customer service anytime, day or night.

Contact Information:

Phone: 610-658-3242

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