Diesel Vs. Natural Gas Generator: Which to Choose?

When it comes to choosing a diesel vs. natural gas generator, you may find yourself unsure of which is best. Depending on your needs, either option can be a great choice. Woodstock has compiled a list of pros and cons to choosing either fuel type. We hope that once you’ve made your decision we will be able to help you take the next step–finding an affordable unit to purchase.

Luckily, Woodstock is well-stocked and carries a variety of brands and types of gently used generators. Buying used saves you up to 70% off of original asking price and is a great way to give high-quality units a second life while fitting your budget.

Guide to Choosing Diesel Vs. Natural Gas Generator

There are many factors to consider when making the choice between fuel types, but we’ve compiled the top pros and cons to help you determine the benefits of a diesel vs. natural gas generator:


  • Pros: Initially less expensive to purchase generators, and extremely fuel-efficient. Diesel fuel is one of the least flammable of fossil fuels, making it safer than other options.
  • Cons: The price of diesel fuel fluctuates as the prices of oil do; this can be a negative factor when the demand for oil rises.

Natural Gas:

  • Pros: Fuel storage isn’t an issue; as long as your generator is located at a facility that receives natural gas it can be piped directly to the generator whenever necessary. Natural gas is also one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels, reducing negative impact on the environment.
  • Cons: More expensive to purchase generator initially. Natural gas is also highly combustible, as well as toxic if inhaled in large quantities. Added safety precautions must be taken when using natural gas.

In general, the main factors to take into consideration are initial expenses of generators, expense of fuel, fuel storage and repair costs. Ultimately, there are strong reasons to choose either diesel or natural gas fuel for your next generator.

Woodstock Power Helps Determine Diesel Vs. Natural Gas Generator

Woodstock Power Company prides itself on having helpful, friendly staff. With someone available by phone 24/7 (610-658-3242), you may reach out to us day or night to discuss your generator needs with a live person. Whether you opt for a diesel or natural gas generator, Woodstock offers a large inventory of both types of fueled generators. We’re ready with our own professional staff or with a member of our trusted team of partners to help you set up and start getting the most out of your new generator anytime!

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